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blooducation's podcast

Sep 25, 2019

O D negative blood is in demand, and use will always run higher than the proportion of donors, but why is it so crucial to maintain the supply and how can we make sure we are using it wisely? Helen talks to Dr Suzy Morton about the issues.

Sep 23, 2019

An up-to-date overview on haemophilia management – Dr Charles Percy

Sep 23, 2019

Confused on when to give obinutuzumab or rituximab or which chemotherapy backbone to use in follicular lymphoma? Helen quizzes Dr Toby Eyre on what the options are and the evidence behind the current management of follicular lymphoma.

Sep 23, 2019

Struggling to understand the difference between adsorptions and elutions? Ruth Evans from NHS Blood and Transplant talks Suzy through investigating the patient with a panreactive antibody screen.

Sep 23, 2019

CLL is the commonest leukaemia in western society and management has changed dramatically over the past decade. Suzy talks to Dr Helen Parry about what new therapeutic options are available.